MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer. More commonly referred to as “helicopters,” “whirlers,” “twisters” or “whirligigs,” samaras are the winged seeds produced by maple trees. It grows almost anywhere in zones 3 - 7 under a wide variety of conditions; it survives seasonal inundation, poor soil and (surprisingly for a wetland tree) drought. All maples produce samaras, but red, silver and Norway maples often produce the largest quantities. This article will examine the pros and cons of silver maples and the extensive care they require. ACER saccharinum and over 1000 other quality seeds for sale. Seed dormancy: Red maple has no dormancy. The tree can easily live for 100 years and have been known to live for 130 years. The seeds grow in a pair of "wings." The root system of the tree grows shallow and will result in an uneven lawn. While it can be an excellent tree for landscaping, it also presents some undesirable characteristics. Its primary favorable characteristics—shade and fast growth—lend themselves to future problems with this species. Many ants surround the tree and yellow jackets were attracted to the area until I sprayed and removed the wood. These seeds can catch the wind and travel for some distance. The seeds grow in a pair of "wings." The leaves themselves are silvery white on the bottom, which is where the tree gets its name. Unlike the fruit tree crops, the timing and severity of our late freezes managed to miss the maple seed crop. It blends the characteristics of both parents, and it may look more or less like either. It varies depending on the species of maple tree. The tree requires ample lighting but provides excellent shade as the leaves grow densely. Avoid fertilizing your maple tree this fall. The small, edible nuts are very tasty but not that well known. One of the most common characteristics is the silver maple seed that falls in the late spring like helicopters. May 11, 2012, 2012 provides a bumper crop of these maple “helicopters” and “whirligigs.”. The silver maple tree is a relatively fast-growing deciduous tree, commonly reaching a height of 15–25 m (49–82 ft), exceptionally 35 m (115 ft). On way to work, I pass a row of gorgeous trees in the fall. Since it is fast growing, the wood is softer and more brittle than that of a slow-growing hardwood tree. It is usually found growing in open sunlight along creeks and waterways. Collect seeds in late spring or early summer. This article was published by Michigan State University Extension. When fully ripe, the fruit eventually … Michigan State University Extension programs and materials are open to all without regard to race, color, national origin, gender, gender identity, religion, age, height, weight, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, marital status, family status or veteran status. BEECH, FAGUSThe American beech, F. grandifolia, is an exceptional, magnificent and majestic shade tree that definitely deserves to be grown more often in the landscape. Call us at 1 315 4971058. Branching habit is well balanced with an oval to rounded crown and a strong central leader. It appears my silver maple has a strong odor like cat urine - normal??? produce winged seeds called double samaras, which twirl to the ground in late summer or early fall. Did some research, and was told to give it fertilizer, which I did, and the leaves are worse than ever. Once the seeds fall, the tree can redirect that energy back into leaf production. Photo credit: J.S. Silver maples and some red maples (but not Japanese red maples) will drop their seeds early in the growing season. Silver Maple Seedlings grows pretty well along sidewalks, fountains and sewer lines. The seed is a paired samara or winged seed. Red maple -in late spring or early summer and fall. The tree is easily damaged on windy days and does not fare well in heavy snow or when coated in ice by freezing rain. Its spread will generally be 11–15 m (36–49 ft) wide. MSU is an affirmative-action, equal-opportunity employer, committed to achieving excellence through a diverse workforce and inclusive culture that encourages all people to reach their full potential. Over the next few weeks, these seeds will rain down on lawns, decks, roofs and gutters in many locations. My silver maple tree had a landscape timber box around the base with a ground cover planted in it for about 8 years. The leaves of the silver maple resemble the five-pointed leaves of other maples. Step 2 - Stratify. All flowers on one tree are nearly synchronous. I would love a couple of them in my yard. The silver maple tree (Acer saccharinum) is one the most common trees of North America. Japanese maple seeds are ripe in the fall. Richardson, Duke University. What details make Lochinvar an attractive and romantic figure? The bark is smooth on the branches and younger trees. Many authorities recommend against planting silver maple. The silver maple tree can become a real nuisance for a homeowner or business owner. Cynthia, nitrogen fertilizers will cause more green leafy growth. Reference to commercial products or trade names does not imply endorsement by MSU Extension or bias against those not mentioned. Here are a few reasons why silver maples can often be a nuisance: This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. This information is for educational purposes only. Answer: The life span of a silver maple will possibly surprise you! The branches and trunk commonly fork and require careful pruning. Sometimes Silver Maple can get magnesium deficiency in soils that are alkaline, above pH 7.5, which is better than Red Maple that can get it a... read more Silver Maple produces lots of large samara seeds with wings in spring that can be eaten by birds, squirrels, and … How will I know when to move them to next larger pots, or can I jump to much larger all at once? The tree should be fine, and the leaves should recover soon, barring any other underlying problems with the tree. 7 Ways to Prepare Your Lawn for the Fall. Harvest. Leaves open with a reddish tint in spring. Without proper and frequent pruning high winds and ice can cause limbs to break. Culture: Silver Maple is easily grown from seed or softwood cuttings; it transplants readily and grows the most rapidly of all the maples. A 10-year-old sapling will stand about 8 m (26 ft) tall. If planted too closely to a foundation or sidewalk, the roots can cause upheaval of the walkway and crack foundation masonry. It is commonly used for shade, but careful planning and estimation should be used when planting near homes or other permanent structures. Silver Maple Seedlings seeds are considered one of the most abundant grains among all native maples. It depends on what kind of maple tree you have, and each is on its own schedule: Silver maple – late spring. Instead, apply a 10-10-10 fertilizer next spring and every year thereafter. Most of the horticultural news this spring has been dominated by what we don’t or won’t have this year due to late frosts; peaches, cherries, blueberries, plums and on and on. Sugar and Black maple seeds mature later in the season and drop during late Future generations of sugar maples are dependent on seed produced by today’s mature trees. Twenty of the trees' whirligigs have grown to 6-8" tall. Since both the silver maple tree and red maple tree are common landscaping trees probably the best place to buy them would be your local nursery. Is this a problem? The silver maple tree is the fastest growing type of maple, making it ideal for planting in landscaping projects. Red maple seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for a few weeks if they are not allowed to dry out. Also, I was told to give the tree a granular insecticide, but not until the fall....Help!!! Establishment Silver maple may begin producing seed as early as 11 They resemble helicopters … The silver maple is a relatively fastgrowing deciduous tree commonly reaching a height of 15–25 m 50–80ft exceptionally 35m 115ft. All maples produce samaras, but red, silver and Norway maples often produce the largest quantities. Its spread will generally be 11–15 m (36–49 ft) wide. Downed branches are common and a regular chore to dispose of. This type of issue is often present in commercial fruit tree orchards and is termed “alternate bearing” with some years a light crop of fruit and others being a heavy crop year. Each seed is attached to a papery wing-like structure. More commonly referred to as “helicopters,” “whirlers,” “twisters” or “whirligigs,” samaras are the winged seeds produced by maple trees. Harvest them spring (May to June) after they turn from green to tan. We have a silver maple that is 30 years old... it seem to have a fungi growing on it, the leaves are dying and the branches are getting green spots all over it.... some of the branches have died.. what to do??? Native to eastern North America, it is widely cultivated elsewhere. Question: What is the life span of a silver maple? Its’ uniform shape requires little or no pruning. About … 'Autumn Blaze' is valued for its spectacular fall foliage color. This pipe is buried six feet down. It generally grows 50 to 80 feet tall, though a 10-year-old sapling will stand approximately 25 feet tall. I removed the wooden timbers and noticed the dirt around the tree is very hard and is about 14 inches thick. Normally, a cold frost kills some blossoms, but this year the usual chill didn't arrive at the right time. Silver Maple flowers are produced mostly during the start of winter season having red, yellow and silver clusters. These can become a nuisance, especially if they clog gutters and down-spouts or germinate in garden beds. The leaves of silver maple are dark green above and silvery underneath. The leaves are constantly falling, and I rake every single day. In a heavy seed year millions of sugar maple seed can fall in one hectare of forest. Regarding leaves being a burden, mow them into your grass. Near waterways, beavers often eat silver maple bark and use their limbs for building beaver dams and lodges. You can plant both seeds that have fallen to the ground and seeds you’ve picked from the tree. Todays video is about how to grow silver maple trees from seed. Silver maple is a prolific seeder and the seeds can clog gutters and downspouts. Shredded leaves is amazing fertility for the soil. They're in 2-1/2" pots. One crop we have in abundance, however, is maple samaras. It holds its leaves longer than most other trees. How should I loosen the dirt is this all roots? To have a digest of information delivered straight to your email inbox, visit Over the next few weeks, these seeds will rain down on lawns, decks, roofs and gutters in many locations. Content is for informational or entertainment purposes only and does not substitute for personal counsel or professional advice in business, financial, legal, or technical matters. No stratification period required; sow seed at 0.25-1.00 inches in moist growing medium such as vermiculite, peat moss, or sand. Red maple seeds can be stored in the refrigerator for a few weeks if they are not allowed to dry out. When trees put a great amount of resources into seed production, leaf production takes a back seat and trees look sparser than normal. Maple seeds develop in pairs on a stem, much like a cherry fruit. … Silver Maples' Appearance Like all maple trees, it has a five-pointed leaf and produces a prolific amount of seeds in the early spring. Seed collection: Red maple fruit is a samara. How to Grow Silver Maple Trees. Homeowners and landscapers may also notice that heavy crops of samaras can make the upper portion of maple tree canopies look sparse. Maple trees (Acer spp.) Silver maple flowers in (February)March-April(May), before the leaves, usually before red maple. This is the time to collect them – when they’re brown and dry and falling from the trees. These species do not go dormant, and there is no need for any special treatments. Maple fruits or nuts, also called samaras, ripen and drop to the ground in fall, except for red and silver maples, which mature and drop in late spring or early summer. The main reason for the heavy seed crop this year goes back to stressed growing conditions in 2011, which helped produce above average flower bud numbers. For more information, visit The tree is over 30 years old and appears healthy. Silver Maple (Acer saccharinum): Silver maple seed matures in spring or early summer; collect immediately upon ripening. This is a gift not a curse. The 4-H Name and Emblem have special protections from Congress, protected by code 18 USC 707. It grows to 18 metres (60 feet)—higher under favourable conditions—with a short, stout trunk and Issued in furtherance of MSU Extension work, acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914, in cooperation with the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The silvery appearance of the leaves is very apparent during a moderate wind. Its spread will generally be 11–15 m 35–50ft wide. The roots are also known to invade septic fields and damage well pipes, requiring costly replacements or repair. When mature, they separate and whirl down from the tree on a single "wing." To contact an expert in your area, visit, or call 888-MSUE4MI (888-678-3464). I planted a Silver Maple away from my well, septic system, and house, but it is close to the pipe that comes from the well into the house. It transplants easily when small and is ideally suited for growing in a nursery. Silver maples are a beautiful, relatively common maple tree that grows quickly. The dense foliage that provides shade in the hot summer months demands late fall raking clean-up. Trees as young as 22 years can produce some seed but the better crops are produced by much older trees – and sugar maple can live for 400 years. It is drought and moisture tolerant. Sugar maple – The samaras have 1-inch wings that ripen from early summer into autumn. Great care is required when mowing the grass lawn growing at the base of the silver maple, as mower blades will likely strike the protruding roots. The color and size of samaras vary among maple species, as do the number of days trees normally shed their distinctive seeds. It can recover from flooding and does well in poor, rocky soils. As the tree matures, however, the trunk bark becomes rough and has a shaggy appearance. Silver maple is a tall, fast-growing, native tree of eastern North America. As noted, heavy seeding should not pose an issue for long-term tree health, but homeowners should be ready to rake, sweep and pull maple seedlings over the next few weeks. Brian North/Getty Images 'Autumn Blaze' is a trade name for the 'Jeffersred' cultivar of a hybrid maple known as Acer x freemanii, which is a cross between is red maple (A. rubrum) and silver maple (A. saccharinum).It is a medium-sized maple with a dense, broad-oval crown. Some red maple trees will not drop seeds until autumn or winter; these require cold stratification. Jeffrey W. Dwyer, Director, MSU Extension, East Lansing, MI 48824. It is relatively easy to grow The seeds appear on trees about a month after spring flowering, and mature at different rates. When to Overseed Your Lawn. Silver maple, (Acer saccharinum), large, spreading tree, of the soapberry family (Sapindaceae), popular as a rapid-growing shade tree. It is a highly adaptable tree, although it has higher sunlight requirements than other maple trees. Bert Cregg, Michigan State University Extension, Departments of Horticulture and Forestry, and Tom Dudek, Michigan State University Extension - I have a silver maple, and I am so unhappy with it. The red maple (A. rubrum) and silver maple (A. saccharinum) need no pretreatment and can be planted directly into the ground immediately after harvesting the seed. Place germinants in larger planting media when necessary. There you should be able to find those varieties that are mature and ready for your yard. Every spring, maple trees produce small flowers that turn into seeds. A 10yearold sapling will stand about 8m 25ft tall. The whirlybird shape causes mature samara to spin as they fall, propelling seeds considerable distances on the wind. As maple fruit ripens, it turns green to yellow to brown. It is often found along waterways and in wetlands, leading to the colloquial name "water maple". Like all maple trees, it has a five-pointed leaf and produces a prolific amount of seeds in the early spring. Fruits can also be collected after they naturally fall from the trees. Silver Maple Seedlings grows in a vase shape. Autumn Blaze Maple is a hybrid cross between a red maple and silver maple. [single-card url="#"][/single-card] Similar Projects. Branches are ascending at a 45 degree angle. Red and Silver maple seeds mature and drop in spring. Growing silver maple trees are prone to forming deep holes or cavities that provide homes for raccoons, opossums, squirrels, bats, owls, and other birds. Give the tree some more time to catch up. This species has become over planted. Show your Spartan pride and give the gift of delicious MSU Dairy Store cheese this holiday season! How long will it take to get the tree seedlings large enough to plant in my yard? It has grayish bark and dark green foliage that turns golden bronze in autumn. Fruiting occurs in April-June, maturing about 3 weeks after pollination and all released over a short period, usually less than 2 weeks. A slow-growing native of eastern North America, the tree can grow to about 100 feet tall, often with a nearly equal spread. The fast-growing silver maple can quickly became a high-maintenance nuisance for owners of homes and businesses. • Northwood red maple (zones 3-9): A mid-size maple with early fall color • Marmo maple (zones 3-9): A maroon maple that can thrive in many soil types, including heavy clay • Sun Valley maple (zones 4-7): A shady maple with a fiery red fall canopy • Brandywine red maple (zones 4-8): A fast-growing maple with red-to-purple fall color However, with adequate moisture and normal summer temperatures, most people will not notice this by late June as trees will continue normal leaf development. When maple seed pods fall from a tree, these little maple tree spinners whirl and spin like blades on a helicopter. 10 Things You Can Do With a Pile of Leaves. The seeds of most maples mature in the fall and need a period of stratification, or cold treatment, in order to germinate. How to Germinate Japanese Maple Seed. 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