Support for zinnias is sometimes required depending on the variety. They are in the direct sun for a few hours in the morning but not for a long time. A sterile and fast-draining potting soil containing vermiculite or perlite is best for Zinnia seedlings. At the end of the season, leave the blooms on the largest, prettiest flowers. Introduction to growing Zinnia flowers indoors. Plant zinnias in the right location. Then, this makes sure that they’re in top shape when they go into the ground. The right care for Zinnia plants such as proper lighting, temperature, and water-needs can greatly vary depending on the type of seeds being sown. If garden space is limited, for instance, containers on a patio can add color and greenery. Zinnias roots do not like to sit in damp soil and excess moisture improves their chances of getting powdery mildew. Let the flower head dry completely on the plant. Comment document.getElementById("comment").setAttribute( "id", "a874587d94d1428d1bcaeda9f5d5f025" );document.getElementById("ib8960eec1").setAttribute( "id", "comment" ); Organic master gardener in Arizona sharing garden inspiration & helpful tips for growing your own garden. Growing zinnia plants can be inexpensive, particularly when growing them from seed. A. Be sure not to get water on the leaves. Slice halfway through the leaf nodes using the razor blade and dip the bottom about 3/8 inch of each cutting in the hormone powder. If you have limited sun in the yard, a container will allow you to move your Zinnias to catch the rays. As they all spread to 1 or 1 1/2 feet, a good rule of thumb for spacing is to set one Zinnia in a 6-inch pot, three plants in a 10-inch pot, and up to 5 Zinnias in a 14-inch pot. Step 5) Set the tray, pots, and flat in a bright area, but not directly in sunlight. This Zinnia species is native to Mexico, and it is fast-growing and long-blooming. To be honest, all my seedlings are slow growing this year. Some zinnas, like Zinnia angustifolia, are creepers, perfect for the front of the garden. In case if you are interested in How to Make Money from Dried Flower Business. It’s not too late to start seeds in June. Even though Zinnias are fast-growing plants, starting Zinnia seeds indoors could help you get an even faster jump on the growing season, a plus if you’re growing Zinnias for cut flowers. Don't overwater because zinnias can also succumb to rot diseases especially on wet, clay soils. Hello Angela, I really enjoyed reading your article about growing zinnias, I found it very helpful. The seeds are the large plump center of the flower head. Zinnia tenuifolia ‘Red Spider’ – a compact zinnia, with wide-spaced, spidery petals, growing to a height of 60cm; Zinnia haageana ‘Soleado’ – known as the Mexican zinnia, this species has smaller leaves, making it more tolerant of hot dry conditions and winds.‘Soleado’ bears masses of single orange flowers on strong, stems. When choosing Zinnia plants for potting, add some Zinnias for blossoms that keep coming all season long. And, with pots, you can grow these pretty flowers inside in the winter, adding cheer to the colder months. Step 4) Clean the blades of garden scissors with soapy water and allow them to air dry. Then, make the cuts just under the nodes at 45-degree angles on each. If the temperature in your house is usually lower than 23°C, place the pots on a heating mat set to the lowest setting. Because of this, Zinnias thrive best in full sunlight, requiring 6 or more hours per day. Pick beetles from the Zinnia plants by hand, and destroy the insects. Zinnias are easy to get started from seeds, because their seeds are large and easy to handle, and they germinate quickly. Dwarf common Zinnias like Short Stuff series and Small World series are grown in containers. They are a member of the Asteraceae family of plants. Step 1) First, fill a seed tray, peat pots, or flat with a starter potting mix. Remove all diseased Zinnia plants, and discard them. At this point, use garden shears to trim any leaves and thin the plants so they're about six to 18 inches (about 15 to 46 centimeters) apart. It’s best to water in the morning so the plant leaves dry out quickly in the sun. Zinnias are an excellent cut flower and last up to 10 days in a vase. To start zinnias from seed (indoors or outside), poke the pointy end of the seed into the soil and then cover it lightly with soil. Step 2) Moisten the soil evenly with water before planting the Zinnia seeds. Damping-off fungi are more of a problem in cold soils with poor drainage and conjunction with overwatering. Space the Zinnia plants so air circulates freely around them, and water them using soaker hoses and drip systems, rather than overhead sprinklers, to keep their leaves dry. Zinnias bloom best in full sun and you also can encourage more blooms by pinching back young spindly seedlings to make them bushier and by removing spent blossoms. The primary troublemaker for zinnias is mildew. Keep the soil most, but not saturated, as seedlings begin to grow, and cover with a cloche. They are annuals for almost every location and come in a fabulous array of colors. That is frustrating. Then, plant seedlings in outdoor containers any time after the danger of frost has passed. Though, if we indeed want to collect Zinnia seeds, we can do it very easily. Provide a way to raise the lights as the plants grow, keeping them about 3 to 4 inches above the tops of the plants. If you’re growing dwarf Zinnia plants in patio pots, however, you can simply direct-sow the seeds in the containers that you’ll move outside when the weather warms in spring. Zinnias are typically long-lasting in a vase—strip the stems of all but the most visible leaves before setting them in water. I use these trays from Amazon. I clip off the dead ones but even the live ones look very muted in color. and last up to 10 days in a vase. They are erect-growing, profusely blooming flowers which can grow to varying heights of 3 to 36 inches, depending on the variety. Planting the entire pot reduces the transplant shock so the Zinnia plant will have a greater chance of becoming established. Place the garden scissors and the razor blade in a solution of 1 part household bleach to about 9 parts water for 10 minutes, and then remove. This is because of either lack of water, too much shade, or improper nutrition. In most cases, no cure exists for infected Zinnia plants. If the seed does not contain an embryo, it will be empty and it will not be a viable seed. Plant them about 1/4” right in the ground, spaced as much as your chosen variety needs, anywhere from a couple of inches to a couple of feet. Zinnia elegans ‘Benary’s Giant Golden Yellow'. We’ve know folks who just sprinkle the seeds—and voila! I grew some from seed last year and they did not disappoint. 75 Zinnia Flower Seeds Meteor Zinnia Elegans - Comb S/H Zinnia 'Meteor' is a stunning burgundy color. And, they don’t like to be crowded. There are several possibilities I can think of right away: one is that they are still too young to bloom, another is that they are not receiving enough sunlight, and the third is that they have been provided with too much nitrogen. Mound the growing medium around the base of the stems and put the pots in a westerly facing window. I’ve had the most success starting zinnias indoors in seed trays just a few, . Growing Zinnias. Planting: Zinnia is extremely easy to start from seed. Mist the soil daily to keep it moist until the seeds germinate. They are drought tolerant and don't need coddling. depending on the variety to maximize air circulation and reduce powdery mildew. How long does it take for a Zinnia seed to sprout? The most common cause of early seedling death is “damping-off,” a fungal disease that affects the new plant stem just at soil level. Disinfect a previously used container to kill disease organisms or pests before use by soaking it in a solution that’s one part bleach to 9 parts water for 10 minutes, clean with water that have a little dish detergent, and rinse well. At the end of the season, leave the blooms on the largest, prettiest flowers. Then, remove the flat or tray from the water after the soil is thoroughly moistened. Zinnia blooms don’t continue to open once cut; harvest flowers when all the petals are open. To keep them blooming plant them in the full sun, water when the soil gets dry and fed them with fertilizer regularly. You want your Zinnia plants to spend their energy making more flowers, not producing seed. If you have purchased zinnias from a local nursery and been disappointed with the results, try planting them from seed instead. Water the pots immediately after sowing the Zinnia seeds to induce the germination process. This tip for how to grow zinnias will make the biggest difference in the number of blooms. If Zinnias didn’t develop correctly, it is most likely a result of their specific care requirements. Keep the soil moist at 70-75 degrees F. Seedlings emerge in 7-10 days. Step 1) First, fill a seed tray, peat pots, or flat with a starter potting mix. Step 4) Lay a piece of plastic wrap loosely over the top of the soil or slide the tray, pots, or flat into a plastic bag, not tight or sealed. Pests/Diseases Bacterial and fungal spots, powdery mildew, and bacterial wilt may affect zinnias. Step 7) Shake off the excess powder and put the cuttings in the holes without touching the sides. Start seeds indoors about 6 weeks before the last spring frost, sowing them in a moistened, soilless mixture in flats or small pots. This tip for how to grow zinnias will make the biggest difference in the number of blooms. Do zinnias need to be staked? If you are growing seedlings indoors under lights, adjust the fluorescent lights to remain only 3 or 4 inches above the seedlings as they grow … Zinnia plants are one of the easiest flowers to grow, as they grow quickly and bloom heavily. where they add beauty and attract pollinators. So stunning and the sizes ranger from 2″ to nearly 4″ wide. Profitable Hydroponic Crops – A Full Guide, Organic Gardening Set Up Guide for Beginners, Growing Star Anise In Pots – Containers At Home, Rock Gardening Ideas, Tips, And Techniques, Home Vegetable Garden Ideas in India – A Full Guide, Growing Christmas Tree In Containers, And Pots At Home, Butterfly Gardening Ideas, Tips, And Techniques, Tomato Plant Spacing in Containers, Ground, Growing Hydroponic Chives, Planting, Care, Harvesting. Zinnias are great flowers to add to your spring or summer garden. If you wish to start growing zinnia plants from seeds indoors, plant the seeds in peat pots, poo pots (pots made from cow dung) or other biodegradable containers that can be planted directly into the garden later. Others grow to several feet tall. [7] Keep soil moist, but not soggy until germination and maintain temperatures between 23 and 26 °C. Watering the drill Blooms produced by Zinnias need a great deal of energy from the plant. When you fill the pots, the soil level must sit 1 to 1 1/2 inches below the top to allow room for watering. Humid weather is popular here in Florida. Prune the Zinnia plants… I was so hesitant to prune back my little Zinnia plants. Harvest the seeds to plant in your garden next season and to share with friends. Zinnias suffer from a different variety of fungal diseases, including powdery mildew and alternaria leaf spot. The seeds are large and have a high germination rate. Leaf miners, aphids, spider mites, and beetles are among the insects that attack Zinnia plants. Seeds that contain an embryo will be kind of fat. Cut the flower at the end of the stem when harvesting. Starting Zinnia seeds indoors in the spring, 4 to 5 weeks before the last average spring frost date, will produce starts mature enough for transplanting outdoors. Then I transplant them into the garden when they are a few inches tall. Your email address will not be published. When the weather is warm and humid, Zinnia plants are usually attacked by mildew. Semi-tropical zinnias need warm conditions to grow well, so I wait until late spring to start seeds indoors. This type of soil will provide stability for the seedlings while allowing enough air pockets for the plant roots to receive adequate oxygen. Place the pots under fluorescent grow lights as soon as seeds germinate, in about 10 days. Zinnias are good cut flowers. Cut zinnia stems at an angle just above a bud joint. Dried good zinnia seeds are also visibly fat, and if you gently pinch them between your thumb and forefinger you can feel that the seed is thick enough to contain a dried embryo. Step 6) Dig a 2-inch-deep hole in the growing medium with a pencil and then pour 2 tablespoons of rooting hormone powder on wax paper. Flowers are 4-5 inches across and are semi-double to double. Zinnia plants are known to germinate within roughly 7 to 10 days after sowing. Zinnias need many hours of bright, direct sun to flourish. Some zinnias plants won’t produce many flowers or buds. Water the seeds well, adding a label to the area so you know what you’re growing. Pick the sunniest spot you have, enrich the soil with a little compost, and sow the seeds about 1/2 inch deep. Step 2) Combine two quarts each of fine, sterile agricultural sand and agricultural perlite. Zinnias are very easy to germinate indoors and should sprout within a week after sowing. He plans to collaborating his knowledge and personal interest in gardening into a subject of help to all those who wish to nurture their own little green escapes. It’s best to group multiple pots into a plastic flat and cover the flat with a clear plastic lid to trap in humidity. Zinnias famously hate root disturbance, so it is best to sow directly into freely drained soil with a fine tilth.Sow two or three seeds 2in (5cm) apart at 12in (30cm) spacing. My zinnias grew a few feet tall and rebloomed colorful flowers for several months. Give Zinnias plenty of suns and grown in the shade are often leggy and susceptible to mildew. See my disclosure policy for more information. Seeds are ready when the flower head is dry and brittle. Today, I want to talk to you about how to grow zinnias in your spring garden. Zinnias are very easy to germinate indoors and should sprout within a week after sowing. Mr. Reddy was born in farmer's family and was into 'IT' profession where he was not happy with his job. Then I transplant them into the garden when they are a few inches tall. Soil: The only real soil requirement is that it be well-draining. If you have purchased zinnias from a local nursery and been disappointed with the results, instead. It takes air and soil of more than 70 F to germinate well, so wait until spring is firmly in place before planting zinnia seeds. To prevent these problems, grow Zinnias in full sun with plenty of air circulation. Hi! Seeds of zinnia flowers should usually be sown directly into the sunny flower bed, as developing roots do not like to be disturbed. Zinnia Growing Tips. I planted Zinnia from seed at the end of May, and so far I have 6″ skinny stems with only a few leaves. Zinnias can get insect problems like aphids and spider mites and fungal diseases (powdery mildew and black spot). Alternatively, you can grow zinnias in a heated greenhouse. For a cheaper alternative, use paper egg cartons as seed trays that can be planted directly in the garden along with the Zinnia seedlings. And pest problems but are otherwise low-maintenance plants all but the most success starting zinnias indoors in seed trays a. Pots on a patio can add color and greenery head is dry and fed them fertilizer... 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