They come in numerous shapes and sizes and take well to pruning, making them ideal for formal hedges, borders, and topiaries. Submitted by The Editors on January 28, 2019 - 12:29pm, There are quite a few lists of rabbit-resistant plants out there on the web, but they can vary quite a bit in which species they recommend. Some deer may sample or develop a taste for any plant! One of the best deer-resistant flowering shrubs for shady landscapes is bottlebrush buckeye. They eat my Hosta, my Black-eyed Susan's and my Reblooming Daylilies. Birds don't have heat receptors, so it won't bother them but it will the squirrels. Coreopsis and Echinacea purpurea I thank you for republishing the Deer Resistant plants. It really irritates me how inconsiderate some people can be of their neighbors who put a lot of time and work, not to mention money, into their gardens. We bought starter peppers that we thought were mild bell peppers. Submitted by holly on September 27, 2019 - 9:17am, something just ate the crap out of my aster last night so i would say it isn't deer or rabbit resistant, Submitted by Tammy Boyne on August 23, 2018 - 8:45am. Deer Resistant Plants We've carefully chosen this collection of plants to be highly deer resistant. Really need advice before planting our garden this year. Soft Leaf Yucca is also evergreen, so it has nice winter interest. Submitted by Caitlin on April 11, 2020 - 11:34am. The good news is, they haven't touched my Black Lace Elderberry, Coral Bells (yet). Submitted by Jo gaydos on May 12, 2019 - 9:58pm, Submitted by The Editors on May 14, 2019 - 9:36am. What Is Aquaponics, Why, and How to Start an Aquaponic Garden? I used bee balm instead of a listed perennial and that was the first thing they went after, flower, leaves and stem. While neighbors may delight in feeding deer here close to the lake in NW Arkansas, I would rather just watch them do their own thing in the woods while I tend to my flowers and look at the lake. Related Articles. Submitted by Sam Lareau on November 14, 2020 - 8:35am. See our list of deer-resistant plants, flowers, and shrubs to keep the hungry herds away from your garden! Common boxwood Spruce 2. Submitted by BeBe on July 25, 2019 - 11:43am. These two plants are NOT deer resistant, in the least. So what vegetables are deer resistant? You have Zinnia listed at the last plant on your list that deer (supposedly) rarely eat. My zinnias weren't touched last year, but they certainly loved eating my rhubarb and tomato plants, which I've read are both supposed to be deer resistant. Unfortunately, many varieties of mandevilla are not deer-resistant. Tags. Most of these perennials, shrubs and flower bulbs have the added benefit of being very fragrant. Submitted by Emerson on January 26, 2019 - 9:35pm. Strawflowers resemble daisies, but the petals are stiff and papery. Stay tuned for the first newsletter in the morning, straight to your inbox. If you have major deer problems, we recommend spraying new plants with a deer-repellent for 3 to 4 weeks after planting to prevent them from being nibbled on and damaged. They have permanent overhead signs in their yard to help locate things. The deer eat everything except my Primrose. We list the botanical genus name which will cover all plants starting with that name. It’s unlikely that a hungry rabbit can be deterred outright, but planting strongly-scented herbs like Lemon Balm, Mint, Lavender, or even Geraniums could help to mask the scent of more tasty leaves. Very, very selfish and insensitive! Keeping my fingers crossed. They also trim the arborvitaes into ice-cream cones. I have to agree that there are certain plants they do seem to avoid but there are numerous ones on this list that they have a particular liking for. When they’re hungry and competition for food is high, deer will treat your yard like an all-you-can-eat buffet. I have found one ounce slugs work best with #9 shot. 1. They do what they want to do, regardless of the consequences for anyone else. American Holly...yup...they feasted on it like it was a delicacy. We have Scandinavian roots and we can't tolerate too much heat in our peppers, but we tried. Deer have eaten virtually ALL of my echinacea purpurea. Deer-Resistant Plants Deer love to eat narrow-leaf evergreens, hostas, daylilies and English Ivy. Order the plants right here and make your dream garden a nightmare for deer! And it has not been a bad winter. Do you have problems with deer eating your garden plants? Submitted by Jan on April 4, 2019 - 11:23pm. Hm-m-m. Note that even “resistant” varieties can be vulnerable in the first few weeks after planting, when their leaf tissue is especially nitrogen-rich. Last summer the rabbits eat most of our vegetable garden, with a 6 foot fence around it. Yes deer loves my rose bushes. Our deer seem to be "non-plant offenders". The deer ate them! Scented plants are very appealing to gardeners, but not to deer. They include some of our favorite garden perennials like Lupines, Digitalis Foxglove, Lavender, Poppies, and Echinacea. But here they come to eat my lilacs and my Holly bushes too, another one you say they don't eat, well yes they do, they eat the Holly bush but spit out the red berries! Submitted by Cheryl on August 5, 2019 - 1:06pm. Note that no plant is completely "deer-proof", particularly when deer densities are high. Send Text Message. Email. No matter, at the present spiralling extinction rate they will soon be gone....and then so will we. It blooms in summer and puts on a fantastic flower show. They also love Bleeding Heart, Weigela, Delphinium, Black Eyed Susan, apple tree leaves, cherry tree leaves. I gave up gardening entirely. The plant names highlighted with an asterisk were scored as having a 20% or less chance of being damaged and were grown by 65 or more survey participants. This list provides a guide and was developed from a variety of sources which may not all be equally reliable. We are always interested to know which plants are resistant in gardens visited by deer. Strawflower. Submitted by Lori on March 30, 2019 - 6:06pm. Deer Busters: The Top Deer-Resistant Plants for the Pacific Northwest. Disclosure. One of our favorite deer-resistant perennials are bleeding hearts (Lamprocapnos spectabilis, aka Dicentra spectabilis). Using deer-resistant perennials and annuals in the garden is an effective way to create a deer barrier. A version of this will also work to keep squirrels out of your bird feeders. They attack them until there is nothing but a green, leafless and flowerless stalk left. As a general rule, deer don’t like plants with strong pungent scents. No such luck! I planted a landscape that was listed on this site for 3 seasons blooming. Deer Resistant Plants: Perennials. Boxwoods are among the most versatile broadleaf evergreens for a deer-resistant garden. Also, control deer damage with 8'-tall black mesh deer fencing and with deer repellents. The best deer resistant flowers are those that contain … Just remember that when natural food is scarce, like during a drought or early in the growing season, deer may find your garden more tempting than usual. We laughed at the image. So, we want to grow plants that are not the deer’s top choice on the menu. This plant sends out a tall spike that can be 4’-6’ tall. Posted on December 14, 2020 | Leave a comment. Do you think it was deer? They have NEVER bothered them. These plants are your best chance against hungry deer. With its paper-like bark, the river birch will grow up to 100 feet … The large leaves … For now, feel free to continue reading. Submitted by Jan on April 4, 2019 - 10:55pm. The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. I have maintained a small ornamental conifer nursery in Northern Vermont for the past 35 years and the only unfriendly deer product that hands down deer avoid is Leadnus Vulgare. Submitted by kk on July 15, 2019 - 6:04pm. Gartengestaltung: Terrasse und Balkon verbinden. Submitted by Pat Buben on July 12, 2019 - 9:29am. Daffodils (Narcissus spp.) Don’t even get me started on all those “ fuzzy-leaved” plants they’re supposed to hollyhocks. You would think the sharp thorns would turn them away but they love the leaves. Deer Resistant Shrubs Shrubs, which are usually smaller than trees, usually have more than once central stem that extends outward from the base of the plant. Even if they are feasted on, as long as the root systems of the plants are not damaged, the plants should survive. Plants marked with an asterisk * are best bets. • Deer use their sense of smell to detect predators. What we may find appealing is completely distasteful to them. Ever since then, I haven't been able to keep deer out of my garden, and I NEVER fed them! Full sun and dry, unfertile soil will keep it happiest for many years to come in zones 4-9. Deer Resistant Plants Grow a worry free garden! Or something else? They weren't. It is hardy in zones 7-9 and likes full sun. This list of deer-resistant plants includes descriptions and photos. • The most reliably deer-resistant plants are those with acrid sap like Euphorbia; strongly scented foliage like lavender, sages and oregano; dry-loving plants like Cistus and Halimium; fuzzy leafed plants like Stachys and Pulmonaria; also most plants with grey/silver foliage such as dusty millers. Not so! Note: The plants with a check are deer resistant once mature, but must be protected while young (see tip #2). What is Subsistence Farming? River Birch (Betla Nigra) – Zones 3-9. Bella Bellissima Potentilla (Potentilla fruticosa) Maybe you live in a place that gets constant, bright … Other neighbors do know this, and simply don't care. When I grew coneflower, deer kept eating off the buds and blossoms. There was plenty to see – quite a lot of plants were blooming but there were also plants with red berries, or beautiful foliage, or bright stems. Here’s a list popular plants that deer rarely or seldom severely damage. Do you have a list of Rabbit Resistant Plants and Flowers. Design a beautiful landscape filled with breathtaking blooms and distinctive foliage, without worrying about destructive deer. Submitted by Dorothy on January 24, 2019 - 1:18pm. The Past, Present, and Future, 14 Fall Gardening To-Do and To-Don’t List, December Gardening Tips and To-do list by Planting Zone and Region, 6 Essential Things To Do Before You Start an Orchard, 20 Easy-to-Grow Spices You Can Grow at Home, Everything You Need to Know About Organic Pesticides, March Gardening Tips and Tasks for Every Planting Zone and Region, Angelica: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest, 28 Powerful Medicinal Plants to Plant in Your Garden, How to Plan and Build a Permaculture Fruit Guild, Hydroponics 101: A Getting Started Guide to Gardening without Soil, When to Fertilize Fruits, Vegetables, and Ornamentals, Growing Nettle: How to Plant, Care For and Harvest This Useful Herb, How to Make Your Own Seed Starting Mix (Recipes), 12 All-Natural Ways to Get Rid of Snails and Slugs in the Garden, 38 Useful and Budget-Friendly Gifts for Gardeners in Your Life. This page was first published in 2008 and is regularly updated. Related: Top Deer-Resistant Plants of the Northeast. But after looking into deer resistant shade plants, I think part of it may be that I (unintentionally) chose the right plants! Plants that are sometimes vulnerable to deer damage are marked as “moderately deer resistant”. A Guide to Deer Resistant Pollinator Plants Below is a list of deer resistant pollinator plants, including herbs, flowers and vegetables that attract bees, butterflies, flower flies, and hummingbirds to the garden. One plant that stood out for me was the flowering tobacco. HERBACEOUS Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer. Would the odor drift up to the muscadines? Mar 20, 2019 Ron Erwin Getty Images. From Minnesota to Missouri, countless gardeners have had their landscape dreams dashed by deer. It can be tough to find a list of deer resistant plants that will grow in Victoria, BC. Let’s be frank: there are no absolutely deer-proof plants. Source: Outwitting Deer by Bill Adler Jr. Click to read more tips on how to deter deer in the garden! If the best defense is a good offense, then it makes sense to start by choosing deer-resistant plants. Deer-Resistant Plants for the Midwest Credit: Rob Cardillo. Submitted by Mike on November 4, 2020 - 10:06pm, Submitted by Suzanne Norris on June 6, 2020 - 4:22pm. So far in our area, we've found the only things the deer won't eat are Lambs Ear and lavender. All the zinnia flower buds were chomped off within a few days after I planted them. Our local garden center made an (inadvertent?) Note, this is only a guide. Here’s a great list from Pennsylvania State University: Rabbit-Resistant Plants. The deer all want to top off their meal in my yard with tasty tidbits of Hosta, Hibiscus, Roses, Hens and Chickens, Boston Fern fronds, Wandering Jew, Elephant Ears, Rose Moss, 4 O'Clocks, and our Japanese Maple (which is a dwarf tree that stand only 4 ft tall) I also have a succulent garden that does not seem to offend or stop them, I have also tried lavender, marigold and sage, no luck. I used to be able to grow Hollyhocks, Petunias, Pansies, and numerous other flowers without deer ever touching any of them UNTIL our neighbors started feeding them. View All. Save Pin FB. I have found Dianthus, the little carnations seem to be left alone in my garden so far. Why waste my money to feed the deer. Again, keep in mind that the first rule in deer-proofing is that there are no completely deer-proof plants. Submitted by Sam on February 2, 2020 - 9:21am. Submitted by Michele Hamlin on March 7, 2020 - 10:37pm, Deer eat my husbands muscadines (Southern style grapes). Some plant qualify as “deer candy.” We certainly don’t want to be laying out a deer buffet with our hard-earned dollars. Advertisement. Deer Resistant Plants Deer use their sense of smell not only to detect predators but also to find their next meal. Using these lists will help to give you a higher degree of success in having your garden coexist with deer. Northern-hardy perennials and shrubs that deer usually do not eat. Would love any suggestions before I start planting this year. Deer avoid plants with a strong fragrance, irritating textures, or plants that upset their stomachs. Planting these plants around the garden perimeter or around their favorite plants can sometimes be enough to make deer seek food elsewhere. Same with my salvia and bee balm--deer never touched them before but this year they've eaten the tops of them off. While there’s no such thing as a deer proof annual, you can stock your garden with plants these four-footed munching machines generally dislike. The leaves are smaller and less succulent than Mandevilla sanderi which is less deer-resistant. Submitted by Brittany on April 25, 2019 - 11:36am. Submitted by Robert Riegler on November 4, 2019 - 7:08am. The flowers eventually produce shiny inedible nuts that will add interest to the fall landscape. 1 of 7. You are wasting your time with any of the plant matter discussed. So you can safely add Cosmos to your list. This native plant is covered in spikes of nectar-rich white flowers in the early summer that will attract hordes of butterflies to your garden. Perennials/Bulbs. I have had the same experience as Jan. How to Make and Use Aerated Compost Tea (ACT) in Your Garden, Growing Raspberries: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Raspberries, Growing Apple Trees: The Complete Guide to Plant, Grow, & Harvest Apples, Growing Petunias: A Complete Guide on How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Petunias, Growing Cucumbers: Varieties, Planting Guide, Care, Problems, and Harvest. I think it really depends on the deer in your area. Mesnwhile we continue to expand and consume without thought to the other species we share the planet with. 19 December 2020. Plants that are toxic to deer like daffodils and foxgloves are a good bet … One thing you can use to help repel deer, squirrels, etc. Submitted by Jennifer on April 25, 2020 - 8:12pm. The list was compiled with input from nursery and landscape professionals, Rutgers New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station (NJAES) Cooperative Extension personnel, and Rutgers Master Gardeners in northern New Jersey. Every mammal has heat receptors in their mouths, and so they don't like hot sauce. Are there maybe herbs that deter rabbits? Maybe we just have mutant deer that don't know they're eating deer resistant plants but it's very disheartening not to mention expensive. My squirrels ate everything they are not supposed to eat last year. If anyone else has found a flower that deer don't nibble, please post it. Some folks don't realize that once they start feeding deer, they are forever attracted to every garden in the area. I am figuring out that "deer resistant" means it's not their first choice of meal. is spraying your plants with a hot sauce! This deer resistant sun loving plant is also a water wise plant that is great in the Texas (where I live) heat. Gardeners tend to see more damage in their garden from deer in the late fall and winter. Ageratum Snapdragons Vinca Dusty Miller Strawflower Alyssum Lantana Celosia / Cock’s Comb. Deer Resistant Plants. Bodnant Gardens – Shrub and Perennial Border | Joe Wainwrigh. While no plant is completely deer resistant, our four-legged friends tend to shy away from plants that feature such unpalatable characteristics as bitter flavor, … You have also listed coneflower among their typical leave-alones. In Victoria, BC Canada we have herds of deer. Deer also don’t tend to like plants with thick, hairy, or prickly leaves or stems. Last summer I had a nice display of colour along with Alyssum. You list, deer won't eat lilacs. They eat, eat, eat Zinnias! WOODY Ornamental Plants RARELY Damaged by Deer. Submitted by George on July 23, 2019 - 1:11pm. Submitted by Louise Quinby on January 24, 2019 - 11:50am. (the ones that deer don’t like very much). ?....but in a rural area....not so much. BONUS: You’ll also receive our Almanac Companion newsletter! Out of the 15 deer resistant plants I listed for the garden, I think the deer stay away from these the most! Astilbe are also deer-resistant plants that grow well in shade. One thing to keep in mind, though…no plants are totally deer proof. You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. I've had to put them behind a deer fence or spray them. 2 of 7. Oh, dear! Deer here in Pittsburgh will eat the holly, prickles and all. If food is scarce enough, deer have been known to eat almost anything. When their food is in short supply, deer will eat almost any kind of garden plant and shrub. I have news for you. Do you have any suggestions for squirrel and rabbit resistant plants. Research has shown which plants are less likely to be eaten by deer and can be labeled “deer-resistant.” See the list below. They mature late in the summer. Last year, under the sign for Deer-Resistant plants, some worker with a forklift had left a pallet of boulders. Its fragrant foliage is highly deer resistant, while its bright amethyst blue flowers are a favorite of bees and hummingbirds. I love flowers so when my neighbour planted Cosmos and said the deer won't eat them I immediately planted many Cosmos. e.g. Submitted by robert meier on May 20, 2019 - 8:44pm. The heaviest browsing by deer will occur from October through February. They also love barberry, boxwood, bachelors buttons, pachysandra , yucca and Black-eyed Susans. Foxglove Anise Hyssop Silver Mound Bleeding Heart Iris Lavender Statice Lemon Balm … You might want to take that off the list of deer-resistant plants. This past weekend I visited Green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, VA. These plants have developed defense mechanisms that result in a reduced likelihood that deer will want to consume them. Even though I'm more of a perennial gal, I've always planted zinnias in the summer because they added pop to my garden and the deer never touched them--until this year. I live in NJ. Shrubs are frequently eaten by deer due to their low height and accessible edible bits. Strawflower Apricot Mix. This spike has tons of white blooms all up it. This plant has a carnation-like flower-head, thrives in full sunshine and are drought tolerant. Landscape Plants Rated by Deer Resistance The following is a list of landscape plants rated according to their resistance to deer damage. Thanks to Russell Nursery for this list. Gardeners love to plant shrubs. It's been warm & hardly any snow. THE BEST DEER-RESISTANT PLANTS FOR YOUR GARDEN By Irene Wanat Rutgers Master Gardener HOW TO TRY TO KEEP DEER OFF YOUR PROPERTY A dog in the yard Noisy and scary visual deterrents Sudden movement, sights and sounds Smelly or scary deer repellents BEST WAYS TO KEEP DEER OFF YOUR PROPERTY Let your LOUD DOG, or your neighbor’s dog, spend plenty of time in your yard ELECTRIC FENCING PLANT … Some of the more commonly mentioned plants include: Aster, Columbine, Daylilies, Coreopsis, Yarrow, and Daffodils. “Mandevilla laxa” is considered deer-resistant, though not deer-proof. I grew Zinnias from seed in last year's garden, and deer ate every last one that came up, before it ever had a chance to bud or bloom. Deer Resistant Plants While no plant is completely deer resistant there are several species that you can choose from that are attractive in the garden and are less desired by our four legged friends. Astilbe ‘Bridal Veil’, ‘Visions’, and ‘Fanal’ make a nice mix. If there is one thing gardeners have in common, it is the need to ward off unwelcome wildlife. The only thing is you have to reapply it after it rains. Deer resistant plants, on the other hand, have the power to prevent being damaged by deer in the first place. Of sources which may not all be equally reliable things the deer wo n't eat Lambs! Some deer resistant plants the consequences for anyone else of kernel corn for them Fred_in_PA on March 3 2020! In deer-proofing is that there are no completely deer-proof plants Birch will grow in,! Great in the late fall and winter yard to help repel deer, are... Rabbit resistant plants, flowers, and simply do n't have heat receptors, so it nice... To know which plants are less likely to be eaten by deer and be! This past weekend I visited green Spring Gardens in Alexandria, VA bleeding Heart, Weigela Delphinium! Our garden this year are totally deer proof tough to find their meal! 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